Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A Happy New Year to You All,

This Saturday evening we are planning for a deer roast dinner at our house at 5pm. We'll be supplying the deer roast, so if everyone could bring a side dish of say rice, potatoes, or soup, and a salad or desert to add to the feast that would be great. We need to know who is coming so PLEASE PHONE OR E-MAIL TO LET US KNOW, SO WE CAN PLAN HOW MANY ROASTS TO PREPARE!

After the meal, we plan to have a time of waiting on the Lord to see what He wants to say to us about the New Year and then close with a time of communion and prayer for one another.

Earlier in the afternoon we will be having the first Mosaic Ministries board meeting, and one of the board members from Three Hills, Don Maxwell and possibly his wife Shestin, will be joining us for our gathering. We would appreciate your prayers for our meeting that afternoon as we embark on this new adventure. We only want to do what the Father is more and no less. Pray for unity, creativity, and a comraderie as we learn how to work together.


Tim and Esther

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